• What are the opening hours for the stores?

    All store hours will be updated on our site as they change, and you can click the below link to find our store locator and check what your nearest stores operating hours are. We look forward to seeing you in store!
  • What is your phone number?

    The numbers of each store are also below: Knoxfield: (03) 7067 5245 Boxhill: (03) 7067 5243 Moorabbin: (03) 7067 5244 South Morang: (03) 7067 5246 Tempe: (02) 6181 0987 Auburn: (02) 6181 0988 Miranda: (02) 6181 0985 George Street: 0450 815 760 Broadway: 0491 761 112 Alternatively, you c...
  • What is the Surfboard Warehouse?

    *The Surfboard Warehouse* has some aisles within some of our stores. They are not associated with Decathlon though, and their products can only be purchased in participating stores or through their own website. They have some really great deals, so we'd definitely recommend coming down to check...